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Works & Process supports new works and offers unprecedented access to the world’s leading creators and performers. We invite you to join us in championing the creative process from studio to stage.

Works & Process is an independent non-profit arts organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible.

Friends of Works & Process

Adam Flatto and Abigail Houser
Bart Friedman and Wendy Stein
Christian Humann Foundation
Leon Levy Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
Stephen Kroll Reidy
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Caroline M. Sharp
The Evelyn Sharp Foundation
The SHS Foundation
Eugene and Jean Stark

Jody and John Arnhold
Susan Campbell
Cate Caruso
Stuart H. Coleman and Meryl Rosofsky
Duke Dang and Charles E. Rosen
Lucy and Philip Dobrin
Elizabeth Sharp Edens and Wes Edens
The Fanwood Foundation
Agnes Gund
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
New York State Council on the Arts
Barbara Ritchin
Denise and Andrew Saul
Randall Sharp
Simian Foundation

Charles and Deborah Adelman
Gerry and Henry Alpert
Jeff Davis and Michael Miller
The Charles and Joan Gross Family Foundation
The Harkness Foundation For Dance
Christopher Jones and Deb McAlister
Angus and Leslie Littlejohn
Jonna Mackin
Nina Matis
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
New England Foundation for the Arts
Michèle and Steven Pesner
Robert Pollock
Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon Polsky
The Jerome Robbins Foundation
MJR Foundation LLC
Louisa Stude Sarofim
The Shubert Foundation
Denise Littlefield Sobel

Susan Baker and Michael Lynch
The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc.
Paul Cronson
Gordon and Karen DuGan
Zita Ezpeleta
Maureen Footer and Thong Nguyen
Nancy Furlotti and I. Peter Wolff
Judith M. Hoffman
Joan T. Mischo
Nash Family Foundation
National Performance Network
New Music USA
Anupam and Rajika Puri
Heather Randall
Susan and Jared Stamell
Angela K. Westwater and David Meitus
Shelby White
Yerba Buena Fund

Ann Ames
Alberta Arthurs
Dancers Responding to AIDS
John Falk
David and Laurie Finkelstein
Adaline Frelinghuysen
Sharon Gurwitz
Nancy and Bruce Hall
Larry Keigwin
Jayne Lipman and Robert Goodman
Linda Macklowe
Claire and Christopher Mann
Bonnie Maslin
Virginia and Timothy Millhiser
Eve Mykytyn
Frances Schulman
Georgia Shreve
Sarah Solomon
Eliot Stewart
Ted Tolles

Angel Shine Foundation/Allyson Tang
Gillian Attfield
Barbara and Gary Brandt
Edward Brill
Michael Canter and Lori Rotskoff
Dick and Lisa Cashin
Jennifer Chaitman
Antonio Convit
Bill and Jennifer Danner
Deneen Donnley
Nancy Drosd
Linda and Graham Fell
Ellen Fleysher
Barbara Gallay
Vladimir and Betsy Jelisavcic
Virginia Johnson
Christian Keesee
Karin Day Kingsley
Harold J. Koda and Alan W. Kornberg
Kate Lear
Mark and Taryn Leavitt
Bill and Serena Lese
Howard and Elaine Leventhal
Mary Libby
Rosalind Lippel
Julia Meech
Linn Cary Mehta
Joyce F. Menschel
Edward and Linda Morse
Steve Novick
Robert Ouimette
Diana Paine
Sage and Michael Robinson
Gwendolyn Robosson
Karen Royce
Robert Schulman
Irene Shen
Barbara Madsen Smith
Frances Spark
Marc and Ilene Steglitz
Linda Stocknoff
Kara Unterberg
John B. Watts III
Wendy Ziecheck

Helene Alexopoulos and Lance Warrick
Richard Armstrong
Terri Bartlett and Mary Trudel
Yvonne Chen
Jackie Churgin
Ann Chusid
Peri Clark
Leslie and Richard Curtis
David Decima
Susan Eddy
Catherine Ford
Stephanie French
Alice Goldman
J. Everett Hill
Tina Huang-Abrams
Eric Katzman and Melissa Elstein
Angela King
Robert Klitzman and Charles Bieber
Elena Konovalova
Jane Kresch
Stephan Landsman
Susan Grant Lewin
Judith Losben
Vickie Morris
Liliane Peck
Susan Perkins
Ben Rodriguez-Cubeñas
Toni L. Ross
Wendy Sigurdson
Emmelyn Stevens
Pippa Stevens
Lawrence and Margaret Swire
Elizabeth Tunick
Carol Weil
Ann Winton
Hsien Yean Wong
Christian Zimmermann

List updated January 21, 2025

Works & Process is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council; the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature; an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

CLICK HERE for copies of our filed financial reports. A copy of our most recently filed financial report is available from the Charities Registry on the New York State Attorney General’s website ( or, upon request, by contacting the New York State Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005, or Works & Process at 155 East 44th Street, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10017. You also may obtain information on charitable organizations from the New York State Office of the Attorney General at or (212) 416-8401.


Give a Gift
Please make checks payable to "Works and Process, Inc."

Mail to:
155 East 44th Street, Suite 1005
New York, NY 10017

Questions? Contact us at | Phone 212.758.0024

Your tax-deductible contribution supports artists and their creative process. Additional benefits at each level:

$25 Support One Hour of Artist Rehearsal
$150 Support One Day of Artist Rehearsal
$250 Access to Patron Phone Line
$500 Access to Priority Ticketing
$1,000 Guaranteed House Ticket Access
$2,500 Producer's Dinner Invitation
$5,000 Invitation to two Producers Dinners

Federal Tax-ID Number: 13-3592291

CLICK HERE for copies of our filed financial reports. A copy of our most recently filed financial report is available from the Charities Registry on the New York State Attorney General’s website ( or, upon request, by contacting the New York State Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005, or Works & Process at 155 East 44th Street, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10017. You also may obtain information on charitable organizations from the New York State Office of the Attorney General at or (212) 416-8401.